Best 8 Tips to Make Online Lessons Fun and Engaging

The recent COVID-19 pandemic has, needless to say, induced some significant changes in the way that we as a society operates- academia included. As a result, most schools in Singapore have opted for online lessons in compliance with social distancing measures.

Most private tutors in Singapore have also switched to look for online tutor jobs instead!

However, this sudden change can naturally cause some students to fall behind, as they struggle to adapt to this new method of learning/teaching. Consequently, the struggles of the students also reflect the struggles of the teachers, as they would also need to find new ways to cater to these needs!

Thus, to aid in this situation, here are the best 8 tips to make online lessons fun and engaging, for students and teachers alike!

Make Sure Your Work Space is Conducive

Your work space environment plays a really important role in ensuring that one pays attention to their work. Thus, having a dedicated work space at home, clearing out any distractions and keeping it tidy is the first step to ensure a fruitful lesson online.

Setting Goals Together With Your Student/Teacher

The sudden change of learning/teaching environments means that teachers are less capable of keeping a watchful eye on their student’s progress. Thus, it is essential for the student and teacher to work together to establish common goals.

For example, this lesson, chapters 3 and 4 will be covered, and the student will complete so and so by the start of the next lesson.

Keeping Yourselves Motivated

Naturally, the setting of such goals would require us to stick to accomplishing them. Hence, it is imperative for both the teacher and student to keep themselves motivated, or motivate each other.

For younger students, tutors could consider establishing a reward system to encourage them!

Encourage Active Participation in Lessons

I’m sure most of you might agree when I say that lectures only involving the lecturer talking can be rather boring. Thus, most students tend to tune out if the lectures are not engaging enough.

As such, tutors should consider creating new ways to make online learning interactive, such as through quizzes or games.

Making Use Of Online Tools

On the note of creating new ways to make online learning interactive, we must realise that there are a myriad of opportunities on our fingertips!

Many online learning tools such as Quizlet, are free for use, and can make learning fun and interesting for students and teachers alike!

Assessing Learning Styles

Every student has their own unique learning style that works best for them, thus, it is essential for tutors to take note of it, and cater to these needs specifically.

This would take some time, but is absolutely key in ensuring a student’s success in their academics, as well as the tutor’s main objective.

Avoid Information-Dumping

Given how online lessons can already run the risk of being not as engaging in comparison to face to face lessons, tutors should avoid information-dumping in such lessons!

That is to say, avoid unloading too much new information on students in a short period of time. Instead, break it up and make it more digestible for students who are learning this for the first time.

Maintain Positive Affirmations

Simple words of encouragement and praises can really help to make students feel valued and encourage them to partake more actively in online lectures.

Hence, tutors should take note to make the effort to do so, since this too, creates a positive and conducive work atmosphere that is mutually beneficial.

Jenny Paul

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