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How to Know that You’re Applying for a Nightmare Job

Doing an interview will not necessarily give you all the information you’ll actually need to decide whether you accept the job offer or not. There will never be a job which will fully satisfy you or fulfill all your requirements in one. During the interview you might not know the real core of the job environment, obstacles, and challenges or even what the future colleagues are like.

Having a terrible job which is a bad fit is just like a nightmare. You will be wasting your time and your energy and confidence will be sapped rapidly. Bad jobs comes in different shapes, it may a matter of an undercutting manager, malicious colleagues, financial troubles and some other factors. Some job environments could require late night events or driving sales in faraway locations, these factors can make the employee’s life really miserable and stressful. What kind of clues should the potential candidate pay attention during the interview process?

Here are the clues which you must keep an eye during the interview to avoid enrolling in a nightmare job:

  1. Disorganized Interview Process.

When you arrive just on time for your interview and things doesn’t go as it should be, then consider it a primitive bad sign. Professional companies would never delay an interview time or even make the potential candidate wait for more than 10 minutes besides serving them a welcome coffee. Bad signs are built on certain actions like when every interview was rescheduled, each time you had an interview it was with a different executive, seeing people acting in a chaotic way and being totally unprepared then yes, it’s a huge mess.  Think about it, they were messy in a time where they must’ve left a great impression for the potential employee, what’s next? Or what’s worse actually!

  1. Un-happy employees.

Before heading to any interview, right away after closing the phone with the potential company, run to your device and search it up. The first thing you must check for is employee reviews during the interview or even a general review and feedback about the company. We all know that it’s easy for spammers to log in anonymous names and simply discredit the company’s reputation. But you can take an overall impression by readying everything related to the company and about. It’s also important to know the culture of the company, too casual too formal? Generous or stingy? And another factors which might specify the company’s culture. A smart move can be actually done by you personally, while walking out of the office , try to look right and left and see how does their employees looks like ,are they smiling around ? Holding tears? Walking with optimism or walking with their heads down feeling blue? You can define the general environment of the company by looking at the employees.

  1. Are you a good fit or they’re disparate?

Interviews are a double side check list. It gives both of the employee and the employers to build a primitive impression. You have to concentrate and be smart in studying the interviewer’s attitude and take notes about it. You must differentiate between you being a really good fit and they being extremely desperate for a good employee to rise up both quality and productivity in the company. Something is definitely wrong when you see the interviewer desperately begging you to accept the job offer they submitted, which might also mean that they saw your good qualifications and they don’t want you to change your mind, then some bad reviews may be involved. Be conscious and concentrate on the interviewer’s attitude, it will really help you in figuring out their intention.

  1. Fair Average Market Rates.

In any interview, there will be a negotiation discussion. Of course, you’re interviewing in their company because you want to earn more or because you want to change your position title to a higher title. Average market rate for salaries is internationally known, you need be aware of the market salary rates in the company area and the suitable salary for the job title you’re applying to. If the interviewer offers below-market wages then this is a bad sign, you are changing your job in order to earn more money. They must tell you about their followed promotional methods. In the interview phase, both the interviewer and the potential candidate must put their offers on the table, both offers must be reasonable, related to the market rate and of course suitable to the company’s financial situation. You might seeks the highest possible salary and interviewers seeks to pay the lowest amount, a comparison must be done and then settle down to a fair amount of money which suits both sides.

  1. Unclear Job Description.

In most cases, you might do more than one interview. You need to at least know what you will responsible for and what is the must do and must do point in the company. The job description must be clear and mentioning all the skills which must be owned and practiced on. Imagine you went for a second interview in the same company, the first time you were told that you will be in charge of two sectors, the second time you went the interview told you that you’re not responsible for any sector. This is ambiguous isn’t it?

Professional interviews must explain to you the role you’ll be occupying in full details. If the interviewer doesn’t give you full details, and then ask all the questions in mind in order to find out a solid answer.

Interviews are a real deal for knowing what you really need to know about any company you apply for. As mentioned above, doing a research about the company’s culture, environment, salary rates and every aspect that is important for the potential candidate to know in order to study all these aspects and come out with a right decision. The best thing any company which posts an announcement for a job vacancy is to make the job description clear and coherent. If you already felt something creepy and Undesired in the job descripted or even not fitting your qualifications and requirements then do no waste your time apply your resume, go look for another job vacancy which actually mirrored the role. It’s either a chance of a life time or simply flip the page and forgets about it.

About the author:

Aya Silawi, an employee in JobLang Company. Holding a position of a content writer in She offers essays assistance to a wide range of clients both locally and internationally. Visit their blog  to learn more.

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