How to Protect Your Eyes While Working from Home?

How to Protect Your Eyes While Working from Home?

An average worker spends almost spends 1700 hours in front of digital screens per year. And this doesn’t even include the non-work related screen time. And as most of us are working from home these days, the number has gone through the roof.

So, when we add all the time you spend in front of screens whether for work or entertainment, it gives us – unhealthy eyes. Staring at your screen for too long can make your eyes feel tired.

If you don’t want your eyes to suffer, here are a few ways to combat screen time and protect your eye health.

Use Good Lighting

Harsh indoor lighting puts more strain on your eyes. But, if your eyes are hurting no matter the light level, then you might need a new prescription for your spectacles.

If that’s not the case, then it’s most likely that your eyes hurt due to screen time. Use lower intensity bulbs instead of fluorescent tubes.

Close the windows and reduce interior lighting to create a comfortable ambience for your eyes. Make sure you close the curtains so there are no light reflections coming from your screen.

Position your laptop or computer in a way that the windows are on the sides not in front or behind you.

Get Blue Light Glasses

Your screens emit blue light that’s bad for your eyes. It gives rise to problems such as computer vision syndrome or digital eye strain.

Blue light glasses can reduce the effect of this light on your eyes and give you a comfortable screen time vision. You can wear these glasses without a prescription as well.

Minimise Glare

When light is reflected on the display, it creates a bright white light that makes it difficult for you to see the screen. If possible, use an anti-glare screen so your eyes aren’t bothered about those disturbing reflections.

If you wear glasses, make sure the lenses have an anti-glare coating. These lenses absorb glare while giving you clear vision. You can buy prescription glasses online in the UK with both blue light and anti-glare filters on the lenses. These are just lens add-ons that improve the performance and functionality of your glasses.

Take Frequent Breaks From Screens

To reduce the risk of developing computer vision syndrome, make sure you take timely breaks from screens. Do not work for long hours on computers or laptops continuously.

These breaks will help your eyes to shift focus and bring relief to their muscles. Do not use these breaks to stick your head into your smartphone. Rather, try to focus at different distances to keep your eyes flexible and reduce the risk of myopia or nearsightedness.

Blink More Often

When our eyes are fixed on the screen, we don’t blink as much as we usually do. Blinking keeps your eyes moisturised and lubricated so they can keep functioning well.

But, during screen time, the blinking rate goes down giving rise to problems such as dry eyes and irritated eyes.

Thus, make sure to blink your eyes to prevent them from running dry. If possible, blink your eyes slowly 10 times in a row every 20 minutes so they stay lubricated.

Jenny Paul

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