How to Use Your Hockey Products?

How to Use Your Hockey Products?

As a consumer, you probably want to get the most that you can get out of anything that you purchase. As a hockey player, you want to get the most out of your hockey products and make sure that they are tough enough for you to actually use them the way they are supposed to be used. You probably already know that hockey is a rough sport, and the equipment that goes with it has to be tough too. To get the most out of your hockey training aids you have to use them the same way that you would use your equipment in a real game.

The Hockey Balance Board

The way to use your hockey balance board is simple enough. You will have a board that kind of looks like a skateboard and a roller that you place the board on top of. You can place the roller either longways, or short ways across the bottom of the board, the choice is yours. However, placing it longways might be a bit difficult if you are a beginner. Always take proper precautions so that you use your balance board in a safe manner.

To use the board simply place it on top of the roller, brace yourself, and get on. As soon as you balance the board on the roller you will feel your core engage and maybe even burn a little. This is good. The balance board is build to maximize your core strength.

The Hockey Shooting Tarp

The way that you use your hockey shooting tarp is to get the most out of it that you can every time that you use it. Shooting tarps are easy to install and provide an adequate amount of protection from flying pucks that could cause damage to the walls, the appliances, and vehicles that are in the vicinity. The best way to use your shooting tarp is to situate yourself on your flooring with a pile of pucks that are within reach of your stick blade. Pick one of the target holes in the goalie area of the tarp and aim for it over and over again with your pucks. With each session that you do, pick a target that is difficult for you to hit consistently and aim for it every time until you hit it with ease each time you shoot at it.

Hockey Passer / Rebounder

The hockey passer is a lot smaller than the other training aids. It is easy to use and can be carried around to use anywhere that there is a flat surface to put it on. The Sniper’s Edge hockey passer is shaped like a triangle so that it has three sides that you can aim at and shoot for so that the puck will come back to you, or shoot off in a different direction. One great way to get the most out of your hockey rebounder is to use it in unison with your hockey shooting tarp. You can practice passing to the rebounder then receiving the puck to slap a straight shot to the target of your choice on the shooting tarp. You can even practice banking shots off of the rebounder into the targets on the shooting tarp. This way you build some incredibly strong passing skills as well as your own accuracy and hand-eye coordination.


All in all the best way to use any of your hockey products is to not allow them to sit around and collect dust. Get them out of the closet or wherever it is that you store them and put them to use today. The more you use your hockey training aids, the better player that you will be.

***Sniper’s Edge Hockey loves Canada! We proudly ship all of our products to Canada and offer the same return policies as we do for everybody else. We realize the exchange rates for the Canadian dollar are not the best right now, so we’re trying to help by giving you free shipping and no customs/duty.***

Jenny Paul

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