The Importance Of Quality Banners In An Exhibition Booth

Many exhibitors will tell you that the success of a booth primarily comes from the first impression. While attracting visitors to your booth is similar to most types of advertising, loud or obnoxious types of advertising will not have the same sway as they do on billboards or television commercials. When it comes to exhibitions, it is all about catching people’s eye and keeping their attention.

It is why many experienced exhibitors often focus on the quality of their banners as an all-important first step. Whether it is through the use of wide roller banners or all of the other types, the importance of quality banners in an exhibition booth cannot be overstated.

The problem with flashy and complicated banners

Some booths have experienced success with flashy banners, though they are few and far between. The main problem with flashy and more traditional advertising in an exhibition is that most visitors adopt a mindset similar to a customer looking for a shirt with an excellent design to purchase. They look at the design for a few seconds, and if they do not get the point of the design within that time, they immediately turn their attention to something else.

It is precisely the same in exhibitions, where people often walk and look around for something to catch their eye – but it is not enough that the booth catches their attention. If the point does not get across within a small time frame, they will look elsewhere.

Why simplistic designs work

When running an exhibition booth, it is often challenging to keep the attention of any potential visitor as there is often much to tell them. However, most experienced exhibitors have learned to limit that kind of information for when the visitor finally steps into the booth and starts speaking with the staff. Until then, it is a much better idea to go for a simplistic design that does its best convey the point of your exhibit as a whole. Just as a customer is more likely to purchase a shirt that gets to the point with its design straight away, they will always be more receptive to information if they were attracted by a well-made banner.

Less is always more

While you might be confident in what your exhibition booth has in store for your visitors, if you do not invest enough time and effort in your banners, you likely will have fewer visitors than you might have expected. More often than not, when an exhibition booth fails, exhibitors chalk it up to bad luck or not finding enough interested parties to give their booth a look – however, you would be surprised how many would be able to turn things around if they had simply worked on their banners.

It cannot be overstated how important a well-placed banner with thoughtful design can be to the success of an exhibition stand. The best part is that it will not break the bank to go for higher quality materials and craft a simpler design.

Jenny Paul

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