Top 3 Tips To Save Energy In The Workplace

Businesses should not only focus on improving sales and operations, and increasing profit, but should also be aware of their CO2 emissions and impact on the environment. By keeping track of their utility use, offices can contribute to conserving fuel reserves and at the same time save on their monthly costs.

If your office is looking for ways to save on electricity in the workplace, below are tips worth considering.

  1. Be conscious of electronic equipment used

We’ve relied so much on modern inventions to do the work for us, that we tend to forget that they consume a lot of power if used frequently. More often than not, we disregard the amount of energy we waste when using machines. But we do have to admit that some things are impossible to do without the help of electronic equipment, so the best way we can save on business electricity prices is by turning these machines off when not in use. When purchasing a piece of new equipment for the office, you can always opt for energy-efficient models, so you won’t be wasting our already limited fuel reserves.

  1. Save on airconditioning

Cooling and heating the workplace takes a massive chunk of the monthly energy consumption. It’s necessary though to ensure the office is conducive to working and a comfortable place for employees to be in. Don’t lose hope when it seems like there’s no way you can find an alternative solution, because even small ways can make a big difference. Even turning the thermostat down one degree will help your office save as much as 10% off your total business electricity bill.

You’ll need the rest of the workforce to cooperate with the energy-saving plan if you want it to work. Encourage them to dress appropriately for the season, so the thermostat doesn’t have to be cranked up or down to meet the ‘right’ temperature.  If you can, keep it between 21 – 23oC as it’s the perfect indoor room temperature. You can even set the timer so that it can automatically turn off before people clock out of the office.

  1. Proper lighting

Office, Business, Colleagues, Meeting, Computers

Lighting is another major factor in fluctuating energy bills in the workplace. Roughly 15% of the cost is allocated to lighting, and a lot of offices leave the lights on after work and even during the weekends.

While we’re very conscious of making sure the lights are off when we’re not home, this should be the same for offices. It’s a massive waste of energy, and unfortunately, many workplaces do this every single day. It’s easy to save on lighting because modern light bulbs are energy efficient compared to the old ones. You can now even set an automatic switch for all your lights so they will go on and off as needed.

There’s so much more you can do to save on your utility bills and if everyone else in the workplace understands the importance of conserving precious energy, we can do our own little bit toward saving the world.

Jenny Paul

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