The Little-Known Benefit Of Social Network Marketing

Some folks might think social network marketing is merely a craze that’ll go and come. I disagree. The statistics suggest otherwise.

Social Network Marketing

As found by Hubspot, 92 % of marketers in 2014 insisted that social network marketing was vital for their operations, with 80 % indicating their campaigns enhanced blog traffic to their websites. Already, wise marketers and internet entrepreneurs are making the most of the strength of social media to attract qualified leads, engage their audience and enhance their brand awareness.

Aside these well-known profits, there is an even higher one that you should be mindful of. When I learned how to start a blog, I didn’t learn that social media was important. So I didn’t use it. Now I only wish I had embraced it earlier

The lesser-known advantage of social media marketing is better Google ranks.

Search engines use cutting-edge filtering system technology that works out the most relevant search results to a search term based on over 200 factors or algorithms.

How does knowing the above serve you?

Simple! It affords you the grace to do some appropriate SEO tactics and avoid the bad ones.

Search engine optimization (SEO) is the strategy of prompting search engines that your web page is (or is among) the most relevant search results for a particular keyword or key phrase.

It is a search engine’s job to present the highest quality and most relevant webpages when a user searches for a query; SEO is how you enhance your webpage to make it important to queries that your target visitors use in search engines. With higher website rankings, you’ll get more traffic to your website which equals more money for you (assuming you convert them well).

Social Network Marketing

SEO is the best way to grab relevant traffic from search engines, but the requirements for success are always changing.

It’s not enough to regularly update your blog, ensure optimized title tags and meta descriptions, and distribute links pointing back to your site.

Google and other search engines may be calculating their rankings using social media presence as a significant factor, because strong brands almost always use social media.

Being active on social media could function as a “brand signal” to search engines that your brand is legitimate, credible, and trustworthy. That means, if you want to rank for a given set of keywords, having a strong social media presence may be almost mandatory.

And you know, search engine traffics are targeted, consistent and free. This is yet another reason to welcome social media marketing for your business and online brands. To learn more about how social media will help your business, you can enroll in free social media basics program.


Lots of people are spending more time on social media these days. Taking your marketing there just makes a lot of sense. If you resist it, your competitors would likely not, and they would precede you. Don’t allow that.

The longer you wait, the more you have to lose. Social media marketing, when done right, can result in more customers, more referral and search traffic, and extra sales, and it’s come to stay.

Jenny Paul

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